Antinomianism makes the great mistake of insisting that God uses the gospel, not the law, to work contrition and to give guidance for Christian living. 反律法主义的重大错误在于极力强调神以福音(非律法)促成罪人的悔改、指导基督徒的生活。
But there's no adoption of the concept of the mistake of intention in our Civil Law, which uses the wording of significant misunderstanding instead. 国外民法对意思表示错误的研究比较深入,但我国《民法通则》并没有采用错误这一概念,而是以重大误解取而代之。
This text studies the administration in inquiring into the administration crime mistake as the foundation of law mistake and direct mistake, so that it can use in judicatory practice conveniently. 研究行政犯罪中的法律过失和监督过失,有利于在司法实践中更好地把握行政犯罪。
It analyzes various opinions on the relationship between, mistake of violating the law criminal intention and negligence of crime from the theoretical aspect. 分析了理论上关于违法性错误与犯罪故意、犯罪过失的关系的各种观点。
Mistake duty on signing treaty is a kind of new duty form within contract law in China, this text discusses the concept of the mistake duty, composing item of the mistake duty; 缔约过失责任是我国合同法中的一种新的责任形式,这种新型责任形式的确立,有利于我国合同法内容的完善。
The doctrine of civil activity is a kind of theory that will finally lead to the impairment or annulment of the work of administratively settling the civil disputes of environmental pollution. The major mistake thereof lies in ignoring Article 41 of Environmental Law. 民事活动论是一种会最终导致削弱或取消行政处理环境污染民事纠纷工作的理论,其主要错误在于无视《环境保护法》第41条的规定。
Put forward this new concept of ″ break the dangerous behavior that ordinance forbid ″ in hold dangerous behavior crime of mistake turn with modest suppress character principle and the method benefit protection prin-ciples unify, provide a new logic point of departure for the reconstructing the safety law. 在把握过失危险行为犯罪化与谦抑性原则和法益保护理念的统一中提出违犯法令禁止的危险行为这一新的概念,为安全法学的重构提供一个新的逻辑起点。
Compensation culpa compensation not only is suitable for the mistake responsibility domain, also is utilized by the modern abuse of authority law expansion the non-mistake domain. 过失相抵不仅适用于过错责任领域,也被现代侵权行为法扩展运用到无过错领域。
The mistake of expectant possibility includes not only mistake of law, but also mistake of fact. 期待可能性错误既包括法律错误,也包括事实错误,是一种独立的错误类型。
About the mistake of anticipated possibility, the author thinks there are four types such as passive mistake of fact, passive mistake of law, positive mistake of fact, positive mistake of law, and so on. 在期待可能性之错误上文章将之分为四种,一是积极的事实错误,二是积极的法律错误,三是消极的事实错误,四是消极的法律错误。
Chapter Five: mistake of violating the law and the principles of dealing with them. 第五部分:违法性错误及其处理原则。
The boundary of mistake of violating the law and mistake of fact. 违法性错误与事实错误的界限。
Fact mistake of criminal law means that the objective elements of composition of crime is inconsistent with the subjective intend. 刑法中的事实错误是指对于构成要件的客观要素的主观意欲与客观现实的不一致。
In our country, the civil law has some stipulations regarding this and the judicial practice has also carried on the beneficial exploration. But the academic circle has not a unanimous opinion on the mistake declaration of intention mistake and civil law legislation has not a thorough regulation. 我国立法对此虽有一些规定,司法实践中也进行了一些有益的探索,但是理论界对意思表示错误制度存在诸多争议,立法也存在诸多缺陷。
When parties have not applied for the correction of registration, the registration agencies can correct the mistake of registration based on the specific terms, which is also the requirement of principle of administration according to the law. 登记机构在当事人未申请的情况下,基于特定的事由可以依职权更正登记,这是依法行政原则的要求。